Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Finishing the final book in the series

As promised, I am blogging about this. It will probably be a short one and I'm not going to go over this post because I have SO much uni work going on at the moment, but I am trying to blog regularly because... well just to do something else I guess!

When I said that I would be blogging about finishing that final book in a series, I mainly had in mind the book 'The Traitor Queen' by Trudi Canavan (, which is not only the end of a trilogy,  but the end of a sequel trilogy. So after 5 other books set in this world, with the same family as the core protagonists, I was massively upset that it had to end, especially when Trudi announced that there would be no more novels set in the fantasy land of Kyralia.

BUT I had that conflict inside me: read the book quickly to find out how the characters pan out and where they end up, who wins, who dies, VS no! read it slowly then it won't end.

Given that I read it after my January exams, as a reward for my hard work and lack of reading at easter, I ended up reading it ridiculously quickly... and I was sad, but at the same time it is an incredible experience. With any good book I feel like I'm 'consuming' the whole world its set in at an alarming rate, but with the end book of a series, it always gets taken to a whole new level.

I wonder if I'm the only one who reads the closing part of a series much faster than the other parts....?

Happy reading

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